About Us
The country would thrive only when we have a proper, education, medicine and employment. This is reason why the Risha Riya Foundation was formed with the good intention that the education of poor students should not be stopped due to lack of money. After the formation of Telangana state, we have established this foundation on 4th August 2018. Awareness programs by this Foundation are being conducted not only on education, but also on health. We also taught the nutrition and health principles that are needed to be taken to get out of the situation of going into the shades of old age with the onset of various diseases in middle age. Awareness programs are conducted to keep the rural people away from social evils. Programs are organized to take the youth towards Sports, Science and Technology without going towards bad habits. We have designed programs in such a way that the schemes introduced by Government shall reach to the people. This foundation was established, by educated people who had settled in various fields. The Foundation does its duty to promote in any field those who are proficient beyond Caste and Religion. Over the past few years many great events have been organized with the help of many donors and many people have settled into various jobs with the orientation given by this Foundation.